Monday 23 January 2017

2nd Batxillerat Unit 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 3


1 ripped off          4 brand
2 try on                   5 take … back
3 bargain                6 shopping trip

1 shopper                4 sweatshop
2 sales                     5 auction
3 Second-hand        6 charity shop

1 eyeballs
2 bug
3 hand
4 down (in the dumps)
5 cost

1 are hooked on
2 feel down (in the dumps)
3 get out of
4 are being bitten by
5 an arm and a leg

1 recyclable        4 wasteful
2 Pollution          5 incinerator
3 sustainable

1 emissions          4 environmental
2 landfill sites       5 toxic
3 pollution

1 Burning rubbish in incinerators creates pollution.
2 Consumption of organic fruit has increased.
3 We use disposable knives and forks only once.
4 Call the manufacturer if you have a complaint.
5 Buying in large quantities can make us really wasteful.

1 paid
2 shop / ’re shopping
3 goes
4 emit
5 live
6 get

1 where the changing room
2 shopped till we dropped
3 pay in cash
4 a sales assistant
5 is a pollutant
6 tighten your belt

1 by    2 on    3 on    4 to    5 in


1 P; are sold
2 A; accepts
3 P; Will … be taken / Is … going to be taken
4 P; be put

1 should be put          3 is being sold
2 could be closed      4 were not liked

1 was given a free gift yesterday
2 has just been handed a voucher
3 will be sent the product tomorrow
4 is being offered a new job right now

4 Students’ own answers.

1 is said
2 was reported
3 to employ / to be employing
4 to have been / to be
5 is believed

1 is said that the shop will be closed soon
2 is considered to be the best restaurant in town
3 has been reported that rubbish is not being collected
4 is believed to be too expensive
5 was thought that the product would be a success

1 had / got
2 is having / is getting
3 had
4 having / getting
5 having / getting
6 had
7 has / gets

1 ’re / are having the shop painted
2 had their new windows smashed
3 ’m / am getting my hair dyed
4 ’s / has never had her photo taken
5 will have her credit card stolen
6 get the pizza delivered

1 had had / got her dress made
2 having / getting my computer upgraded
3 is thought
4 was given
5 will be picked / is going to be picked
6 was / has been reported

1 are being closed
2 is said
3 have / get … sent
4 can’t / cannot be bought
5 get / have … cut
6 will be found


1 A    2 C    3 B    4 A    5 C

3 1 start, air
2 one, problems, consumers, UK, away, food, buy
3 accidents, not
4 also, food, greatly

1 retail therapy this afternoon
2 I was given a T-shirt
3 I want to take it back and get a bigger size
4 get it exchanged first
5 choose a shirt and tie
6 Shall we meet outside the
shopping centre
7 meet up at the train station
8 I’ll be coming by bus
9 the bus stop to the train station

10 in the café at the shopping centre entrance
11 four-thirty for you
12 See you there


1 Possible answers:
1 Wouldn’t you? But you can buy things that are in good condition at a much cheaper price. / No,me neither. I like everything to be new, and I don’t care if it’s more expensive.
2 Is it? I think we all have a responsibility and can help by not throwing away rubbish. / Yeah, I know. I think those green groups that organize ‘clean-ups’ are a bit weird.
3 Yeah, I know. Everyone has the right to good working conditions. / Is it? Isn’t it inevitable when people want cheap clothes and companies want to make a profit?
4 Don’t you? I’m sure everything that can be recycled is recycled. / No, me neither. I heard that a lot of it
ends up in landfills.

1 looking at
2 Is there?
3 surprise you
4 would have thought
5 key issues

3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.

1 Old cooking oil can be used to generate electricity.

2 Possible answers:
1 It gets thrown away.
2 A food that can be made from another meal instead of throwing it away.
3 Make a weekly menu and only buy what you need.
4 We should feed animals with it.

1 F; He / she says that many people are becoming obese, not that almost everyone is.
2 T; They should buy according to what will be sold.
3 F; Some food can be given to animals.
4 F; They won’t lose money by giving food away to people who can’t afford to buy it, but they won’t make any money from it.

1 A waist   2 A sight   3 B roles

1 catastrophe
2 vegetable(s), fridge, managers, reducing, generate, change

• Email 1 is a reply to Mr Potter, who wrote email 2.
• Email 2 has been written by Mr Potter, the person who receives email 1. It is to his son, Paul and he
tells him about email 1.

1 Email 1
2 Email 2

1 I am writing with reference to your (previous / recent) email.
2 You had asked for information about / concerning
3 Yours sincerely,
4 Good to hear from you.
5 Get / Keep in touch.
6 Take care,

4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.

Progress check


1 was ordered
2 are sold
3 won’t be delivered
4 was being dumped
5 have already been put

1 I had clothes bought for me by a personal shopper.
2 Rianne gets her nails painted every week.
3 We have had our car stolen.
4 The company is getting new computers delivered.
5 They haven’t had the machine checked.

1 The owners are closing the shop tomorrow.
2 These boxes will be recycled next week.
3 The environment is polluted by smoke from factories.
4 It is said that sugar is bad for you. / Sugar is said to be bad for you.
5 The authorities didn’t give Lia a fine for dumping rubbish

1 is said
2 be given
3 have … washed
5 isn’t / won’t be harmed
6 are consumed


1 out    2 on    3 of    4 on    5 off    6 in

1 disposable           4 wasteful
2 dump                  5 biodegradable
3 environmental      6 pollute

1 shop                    4 get
2 site                      5 shopping
3 Manufacturers

1 I’m sorry, but you can only pay in cash / by credit card at this till.
2 It’s tough living from hand to mouth.
3 The sea in this area is full of pollutants.
4 Put the bottles in the recycling bin.
5 Department stores are bigger than ordinary shops.


1 B

1 sustainable              5 incinerators
2 eight / 8                  6 China
3 environment            7 eleven / 11
4 landfill sites

Students’ own answers.

Sunday 22 January 2017

1st batxillerat Unit 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 3


1 horror              4 genre
2 blockbuster      5 tracks
3 audience          6 album

1 director            4 talent show
2 viewer              5 comedy
3 viral video        6 bestseller

1 What’s number one in the music charts this week?
2 Match of the Day and Sports Scene are sports programmes on TV.
3 It was such a popular book that it became a bestseller in its first week.
4 (correct)
5 The film was a huge success at the box office.

1 swallow      4 hair-raising
2 face            5 neck
3 backs

1 B     2 A     3 C     4 D

1 turn your back on
2 spine-chilling
3 makes my blood boil
4 face up to

1 unsuitable
2 indecent; uncensored
3 illegal
4 immature
5 irresponsible

1 immoral to hide legal problems
2 Jon plays a disobedient young
3 his new book distasteful
4 illegal to download
5 unsuitable / inappropriate costumes
6 unsafe to walk in the city centre

1 western     2 sci-fi     3 musical
4 costume drama     5 adventure

1 illegible              4 immature
2 uncomfortable   5 dissatisfied
3 disorganized      6 impatient

11 Students’ own answers.


1 who               4 who / that
2 which             5 who / that
3 when / that     6 which

2 Students’ own answers.

1 Rob is a musician who plays in the school band.
2 Let me introduce you to Kris, who’s the band’s singer.
3 There’s the presenter whose show is on at the weekends.
4 I’ve got a friend whose dad’s a famous director.
5 What’s the name of that actor who’s on stage now?
6 This is the designer who will make the costumes.

Kelly: What’s the name of that actor whose talking to Jo?
Ruth: That’s Mara, actually, the exchange student who spending this year in England. But I know what you
mean. She kind of looks like that actress whose in Dr Who. Jenna Coleman’s her name, isn’t it?
Kelly: Yeah, that’s who I’m getting her mixed up with. She’s the one who’s autograph my brother got the other week.
Ruth: How do you know it wasn’t Mara who’s gave him her autograph?
Kelly: Don’t let my brother hear you saying that!

1 who’s     2 who’s     3 who’s
4 whose     5 who

1 that ✓     5 that ✓
2 that ✓     6 where
3 that          7 that ✓
4 where

1 ✓ is the day when I go to the gym
2 ✓ to the hotel where the band is staying
3 is the person who plays drums on our latest album
4 ✓ is the cinema where we’re going tonight
5 ✓ was the year when she made her first video

1 Iron Man 3, which I saw last week, is a sci-fi film. N
2 (no commas needed) D
3 Filming, which should have finished last week, is behind schedule. N
4 (no commas needed) D
5 Bondi Beach, where we first met, is in Sydney. N
6 (no commas needed) D OR We bought tickets, which were very expensive. N

1 The film premiere, which all the actors will attend, will be held tomorrow.
2 His agent, who works in Hollywood, got him the part. OR His agent, who got him the part, works in Hollywood.
3 My favourite track, which is number 3 on the CD, is called ‘Moonshine’. OR My favourite track, which is
called ‘Moonshine’, is number three on the CD.
4 The studio, where many people work, was closed down.

5 Coldplay, who played at the Paralympics in 2012, are one of the best bands in the UK. OR
Coldplay, who are one of the best bands in the UK, played at the Paralympics in 2012.

1 that     2 who     3 whose
4 when   5 where  6 –

1 Do you know who’s responsible for casting?
2 (correct)
3 The Cannes Festival, which takes place each year, is an important event.
4 Ryan Gosling, who is an actor, is very successful.
5 Here’s a picture of the house where you will be staying. / Here’s a picture of the house that you’ll be  staying in.
6 (correct)

1 B    2 C    3 C    4 B    5 A    6 A    7 B    8 B 9 C 10 B

1 B 2 A

4 3, tough: The letters gh are pronounced /f/, whereas in the others the letters are silent.

1 dancers who didn’t go back to Cuba while they were on tour in 2013?
2 which is based in Havana I think, trains its dancers for free
3 who are among the best in the world, owe a lot to the dance company
4 month, which is what a top ballet dancer receives in Cuba,
5 why dancers leave in the hope of a better career abroad

1 B   2 D   3 C

2 Lena: OK. What about question two? Who directed the film World War Z? Raul I can’t be certain. Can you give me a clue?
Lena: OK. Was it A Ruben Fleischer, B Marc Forster, or C Allen Hughes?
Raul: My guess is it / that it was Marc Forster.
Lena: Are you sure about that?
Raul: I’m pretty sure it was him.

3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.


1 car racing; football

2 Possible answers:
1 She taught herself using an online tutorial.
2 She can play her own music and sing live and she doesn’t need a fancy show to entertain her fans.
3 Her grandmother had Alzheimer’s.
4 She prefers uncomplicated songs that can easily be sung and that have a message.

1 F – She was fifteen, not twelve, as it says that she first went on stage three years after she started to learn
to play guitar at the age of twelve.
2 T – Life in a Beautiful Light came out in 2012.
3 F – Across the Nile is the only song out of three mentioned that is about politics.
4 T – It says that she has won countless awards.

4 1 A 3 A 3 B 4 B

1 B 2 B


An Honorary Doctor of Arts degree from Harvard University.

1a which
1b yes (that could be used instead)
1c no (the pronoun could not be omitted)
2 By the time
3a who directed his first feature film in 1980; non-defining
3b which have made him a respected director, screenwriter
and producer worldwide; defining
3 1 No sooner 3 As soon as
2 By the time 4 just
4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.

Progress Check


1 where    3 which    5 who
2 whose    4 when

1 ✓ The person that I spoke to was unhelpful.
2 The hotel that the group stayed in was in the centre of town.
3 ✓ Is that the book that you gave Grant?

4 ✓ Let’s watch the viral video that everyone’s talking about.
5 (no changes possible)

1 where most American films are made
2 who wrote the Harry Potter books
3 where I saw my first film
4 when Pacific Rim came out

1 which   5 where
2 who     6 whose
3 who     7 which
4 whose

1 audience        4 hit
2 director         5 horror
3 blockbuster   6 romance

1 makes my blood boil
2 face up to
3 pain in the neck
4 spine-chilling

1 turned     3 albums     5 audience
2 hits         4 charts       6 swallow

1 illogical        4 dissatisfied
2 inadequate   5 unbearable
3 illiterate        6 irrelevant


1 2.15 (p.m.)
2 costume drama
3 comedy
4 7.00 (p.m.)
5 adventure
6 romance
7 thriller