Wednesday 26 April 2017

1st Batxillerat Unit 5 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 5


1 nervous       4 Aggression
2 impatient     5 shy
3 confidence   6 innocence

1 You should be more assertive with your friends.
2 For safety reasons, all babies must sit in a child seat when travelling in cars.
3 (correct)
4 I feel too self-conscious to wear these shorts.
5 Danny was always very confident in his abilities.
6 Openness means being honest with others about how you feel.

1 understand each other / one another
2 smiled at each other / one another
3 are … copying each other / one another
4 looked at each other / one another
5 trust each other / one another

1 copying each other / one another
2 understand each other / one another
3 laugh with each
4 trust one
5 looked at each other / one another

1 greet    3 bow    5 hold
2 shake   4 wave

1 hug            4 interrupt
2 apologize   5 kiss
3 queue        6 greet

1 ability           4 generosity
2 importance   5 modesty
3 laziness        6 reliability

8 Possible answers:
-ness: assertiveness, boldness, nervousness, self-consciousness, defensiveness, happiness
-ce: importance, independence, impatience, confidence, intelligence, innocence
-ity: insanity, stablity, ability, sensitivity, reliablility
-y: guilty, modesty

1 nervousness     4 confident
2 intelligent         5 important
3 intelligence      6 ability


1 weren’t able    4 could
2 Could you       5 can’t
3 managed to     6 Can I

2 Students’ own answers.

1 should / ought to dress
2 mustn’t bully
3 shouldn’t / ought not to bring
4 must / have to help
5 should / ought to speak

4 Students’ own answers.

1 can’t be; must be
2 may / might not want
3 may / might / could / must be
4 may / might not understand
5 must belong

1 may be honest with us this time.
3 can’t be the one who’s stealing things.
4 must be Anne’s house because that’s her car parked over there.
5 could / may / might be asleep.

1 have caused         4 have been
2 have bought         5 have attended
3 have done            6 have seen

1 You can’t have shaken hands with Lionel Messi!
2 Penny should have listened to her boss.
3 You could have told me last night the class had been cancelled.
4 (correct)

5 I shouldn’t have played indoors earlier because I smashed a light.
6 She may have already left.

1 should try    
2 must not do
3 should not catch
4 must have agreed
5 must have been
6 could not control

1 Grant could play the violin when he was five.
2 You don’t have to read this article.
3 Mark may / might / could have stolen the money.
4 You should speak to a teacher about your problems.
5 You can’t have seen Jane. She’s on holiday.
6 Can Rhys buy a new tablet?


1 C 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 B

1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B

1 Falling intonation
2 Falling intonation
3 Rising intonation
4 Rising intonation

1 do we mean by ‘instinctive behaviour’
2 behaviour that takes place without any previous knowledge
3 behaviour that doesn’t have to be learned
4 automatic and the same behaviour can be seen in all members of a species
5 Can you give us any other examples
6 What must they do when they’re born to survive
7 they have to get to the sea
8 Do they have to be shown the way to the sea by other members of the species


1 D 2 A 3 E 4 C 5 F 6 B

1 Would you like
2 would be
3 I’ll just
4 Shall I
5 thanks anyway
6 Do you mind
7 of course not

3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.


1 An astronaut
2 a mountaineer
3 Professor of psychology at Vanderbilt University

2 Possible answers:
1 That they are extreme forms of risk.
2 It’s an example of non-extreme risk which a young person might take.
3 Asking people questions about their behaviour concerning risks and examining their brains using PET scans while doing an exciting activity.
4 Teenagers and people who enjoy taking risks produce more dopamine than people who don’t like taking risks.
5 Because they produce more dopamine than adults and because they are more influenced by how other people the same age as them see them.

1 F Aldrin defines risk as being prepared to lose everything, he doesn’t say that he lost everything.
2 F The writer mentions not doing homework as an example of a risk that some young people take and that can make them feel good.
3 F 34 people were involved and they were men and women in equal numbers (i.e. 17 men and 17 women).
4 T Doing things spontaneously and breaking rules are among characteristics linked with risktaking.
5 F It is a chemical that is released naturally in the brain when we experience pleasure.

1 in jeopardy      4 thrill
2 curfew             5 peers
3 spontaneously

1 astronaut
2 your


1 To apply for a job in a bakery.

1F 2B 3D 4C 5A 6E

A provide
B position; post
C ideal candidate

3 Organize the main ideas into separate paragraphs.

3 Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you regarding the position of a Saturday sales assistant at your bakery. I would like to apply  for the position, which I saw advertised recently in a local newspaper. [P] I believe that I am an ideal  candidate for the post as I am very hard-working and confident with other people. I am also patient and  enjoy helping others.
[P] Furthermore, I have experience of working in a shop situation. Last summer I worked part-time as a sales assistant in a local newsagent’s. My previous employer was very pleased with my work and she can provide a reference if you need one. [P] I would be grateful if you would consider me for the post. I am available at any time you wish to come for an interview.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Lewis

I am writing to you regarding the position …
I would like to apply for the position,
which I saw advertised recently …
I believe that I am an ideal candidate for the post …
My previous employer …
… provide a reference …
I would be grateful if you could consider me for the post.
I am available any time you wish …


1 A formal email applying for a summer job in the office of a teenage magazine.

Possible answers:
ability to read for detail, confidence, independence, reliability

3 Dear Mrs Woods; Yours sincerely
6 A 3 B 4 C 1 D 2 E 1 F 4 G 3

7 Students’ own answers.

Progress Check


1 prohibition      5 certainty
2 advice            6 obligation
3 ability             7 possibility
4 request

1 Could your granddad read
2 don’t have to steal
3 Should we ask
4 mustn’t forget
5 might not be

1 should … have done
2 must have paid
3 can’t have been
4 could have taken
5 should have been

1 can’t have seen
2 must have been
3 must not enter
4 say you are / that you’re
5 might / may have felt


1 nervousness   4 aggression
2 innocence      5 importance
3 happiness

1 with one another / each other
2 with one another / each other
3 at one another / each other
4 one another / each other

1 shyness always stopped
2 hold hands
3 catch the waiter’s eye
4 answer the phone / answer this phone call
5 shook hands (with one another / with each other)

1 cooperated with     4 laziness
2 talk to                    5 generous
3 guilty of                  6 frustration


1, 3, 4 are mentioned

1 Shake hands 4 queues
2 How do you do? 5 apologize
3 on time 6 behaviour

Students’ own answers.

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