Saturday 13 May 2017

1st Batxillerat Unit 7 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 7


1 raise 4 taking
2 volunteering 5 raise
3 is appealing

1 campaign 4 donation
2 charity 5 sponsor
3 activity 6 volunteer

1 Inner-city schools
2 cancer research
3 terrorist attack
4 volunteer project
5 sports stars; animal charities

1 ice-cream flavour B
2 animal charities D
3 computer game A
4 volunteer projects C

1 equality
2 cuts
3 gender
4 protesters; slogans
5 right

1 The protesters organized a march through the centre of the city.
2 Did you sign the petition against changes to the education system?
3 Two hospitals have been closed recently due to health cuts.
4 (correct)
5 During the protest march, we all shouted slogans.

1 rally 2 Banners 3 petition 4 slogan 5 Activists / Protesters

1 change 4 worthy
2 members 5 issue
3 penalty 6 rally

1 sponsored 4 clean-up
2 march 5 endangered
3 people 6 English


1 help 4 had
2 will be 5 don’t try
3 would end 6 complained

1 would you complete
2 think
3 will learn
4 wouldn’t / would not need
5 were

1 ’d / had known; wouldn’t / would not have gone
2 raise; will / ’ll build
3 Would … go; started
4 would have / ’ve told; had / ’d wanted
5 supported; would hire
6 Will … sponsor; take

1 If we don’t oppose health cuts, the government will close more hospitals.
2 If you had told me you were raising money for charity, I would have made a donation.
3 If I were you I would / I’d complain.
4 If they reduce our pay, we will / we’ll go on strike.
5 If the terrorist attack hadn’t happened, the building would still be standing.
6 (correct)

1 The animals will die unless we rescue them.
2 We won’t cut your wages as long as you work harder.
3 We will all make a difference if we try.
5 Researchers won’t find a cure for cancer unless we support them.
6 We will launch an appeal provided that you help us.

1 will hear us unless you / we shout louder
2 go on the sponsored walk provided that you make a donation
3 will disappear if we don’t help it
4 give you a / my donation as long as you complete the race
5 will change if we don’t become active
6 clean up the beach provided that the weather is good

1 would; had 3 would; had
2 had; would 4 had; had

1 asks for a donation, what will you do
2 hard, the campaign won’t be a success
3 were Abril, I wouldn’t go to the rally
4 pay us less, what will we do
5 had / ’d realized how serious it was, we would have helped

9 Students’ own answers.

1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 A 8 B 9 A 10 B

1 First on our agenda, we’ll be looking at forms of protest …
2 It’s a pleasure to be here.
3 What’s it like being on the other side of a protest?
4 Maybe boring isn’t the right word.

4 Students’ own answers.

1 If I were you, I wouldn’t go to the protest.
2 We’ve got to stand up for our rights.
3 But what if things get violent?
4 If we all thought like that, nothing would ever change.
5 OK, but will you leave immediately if any trouble starts?
6 Don’t worry. I’m sure it will be very peaceful.


1 580
2 20
3 raises awareness; raises
4 ten / 10
5 thirty-five / 35
6 a hot meal
7 online / on TwitterThey will hire a woman provided that she has relevant experience.

Students should tick:
today I’d like to talk to you about …
First of all, I’d like to explain …
the next thing I’d like to explain …
That’s all I have to say for now.
Thanks very much for listening.

3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.


1 Waste less to need less
Possible answer:
It is best because it can refer to both sections of the argument. The other two only refer to one of these two

1 C 2 C 3 A 4 C

1 T ‘ … people … have begun questioning their values in life.’
2 F It’s an example of a renewable source.
3 T ‘ … we’ve become increasingly reliant on energy-consuming electronic devices.’
4 T The article lists five different ways in which we would benefit.
5 T ‘ … we’ll be healthier, happier and more certain for the future as the power will be back in our own

1 boom 4 recession
2 cargo ships 5 appliances
3 renewable

1 anxiety 3 diet
2 reliant 4 appliances


1 The writer disagrees with the statement.
Students’ own answers.

1 The writer opposes the statement.
2 To meet up with people with the same views
To make their voices heard.
3 Students should tick:
refer to the main idea in the
sum up the main ideas

3 Firstly In the first place / To begin with
Moreover In addition / Also /
Furthermore / What’s more / Secondly
To sum up In conclusion / All in all /
To conclude

4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers

Progress Check


1 were; would tell
2 will hurt; don’t stop
3 joined; would help
4 would make; organized
5 becomes; will act
6 were; would be

1 wanted; 2nd
2 help; 1st
3 hadn’t read; 3rd
4 won’t be; 1st
5 would go; 2nd

1 think
2 would you sign
3 did
4 are
5 hadn’t taken

4 Students’ own answers.


1 banner; slogans
2 animal rights
3 activists; rally
4 protest; health cuts
5 community service

1 Gender 4 inner-city
2 terrorist 5 research
3 cuts 6 birthday

1 … raise enough funds for a homeless shelter
2 … make a list of everything we need to do before the charity event
3 … a high-school senior
4 … racial equality
5 … take part in the charity event

1 part 4 species
2 attend 5 worthy
3 petition 6 on


A3, B1, C–, D2

1 volunteer
2 homeless
3 17–30 / seventeen to thirty
4 drug
5 3 / three
6 make a donation
7 teaching

Students’ own answers.

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