Sunday 12 February 2017

Freshwater creatures and plants: the most threatened species on Earth.

2nd Batxillerat. Prova d'Accés a la Universitat (2011). Setembre. Model 2. Opció B.


Activity 1:
a) True (lines 6-7)
b) False (lines 15-16)

(lines 4,5,6)
Humans contribute to the extinction of freshwater species by poisoning their ecosystems and wiping out their environment through the building of cities and farms. In addition, global warming and the bad use of fresh water are some of the main causes of their extinction, too.

Activity 3:
1) partnership (line 3)
2) through (line 4)
3) to slow (line 13)
4) floods (line 17)

Activity 4:
4.1. have discovered / heard
4.2. a) faster than / b) the worst
4.3. a) to protest / b) watching
4.4. The article which / that my brother wrote on animal rights was really interesting.

Activity 5:
5.1. B) park
5.2. A) arm
5.3. C) on
5.4. C) chips

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